Udbud af bogholderifunktionen i Copenhagen Pride

I forbindelse med udbud af bogholder- og regnskabsassistanceopgaven ønsker Copenhagen Pride at indhente tilbud på opgaven, nærmere defineret i det nedenstående. Opgaven overtages fra vores nuværende bogholder pr. 1. februar 2024 og løbende frem til 31. januar 2026 med mulighed for forlængelse og med normale opsigelsesvarsler fra begge parter. Copenhagen Pride er en mindre forening[…]

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Editorial: Dark Greetings!

By Mariya Alfa Staugaard, Editor-in-Cheif Dear reader,  This edition of HeartCore is all about DEATH, and as it will hopefully become clear, we have relished this opportunity to venture into the darkness.  Of course, we have all approached the making of this edition with an understanding of the weight of carrying a conversation about death[…]

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Wanted: Head of Pride Art

Copenhagen Pride is Denmark’s largest, most colourful and diverse human rights event and has been bringing the fight for equality and diversity to the streets of Frederiksberg and Copenhagen for more than 25 years. After two successful years with our art space, we are now looking for a Pride Art Area Manager to lead the[…]

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Pride Week Highlights

Thank you for an amazing Copenhagen Pride Week 2023! Thank you to all of you who chose to #ComeTogether to the debates, concerts, parties, conversations, films, experiences – to fight and to celebrate, which is what Pride is all about.   And an especially big thank you to our Volunqueers, who have worked tirelessly to create[…]

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Generalforsamling 2023: Endelig dagsorden

Copenhagen Pride afholder ordinær generalforsamling torsdag den 30. november kl. 17.00 på Farvergade 2 efter følgende endelige dagsorden:  Valg af dirigent Valg af referent Valg af stemmetællere Bestyrelsen beretning om foreningens virksomhed i det forgange år Det reviderede regnskab fremlægges Den organisatorisk tilsynsførendes beretning fremlægges til orientering Fremlæggelse af budget Indkomne forslag Bestyrelsens forslag til[…]

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Five dead concepts we’re not missing

Photo: N&J Photos By Kira Olsen (She/Her)This name is a pseudonym. The editorial staff is familiar with the writer’s identity. Through the ages, a boundless amount of stupidity has been thought and uttered on queers and queerness. But fortunately, we’re getting smarter all the time, and here’s the proof: Five concepts that have thoroughly flatlined,[…]

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Bury Your Gays

By Mie Hald (She/Her) Almost every Queer person knows the feeling: The hope that your favorite rainbow character of your current TV obsession will survive to the end. Unfortunately, if there’s a chance of death, the alphabet mafia is often on the line… In recent years, it’s become more common to find media like TV[…]

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