Copenhagen Pride’s statement on gender and trans issues

In the past week, the debate about gender identity has taken up a lot of space in the media. At Copenhagen Pride, we would therefore like to make our position clear.

We consider it a social construct how we do and express our gender. We are fighting for the right to legal gender confirmation for transgender children.  We are an organization for the entire community, and we have a special responsibility to the groups that are particularly vulnerable.

We recognize that there are different views on specific aspects of gender-affirming treatment for transgender people, such as the age at which the treatment can be started; but we have no intention of engaging in debate about the fundamental right for transgender people to exist.

It is not correct that there are only two genders. We know this because non-binary people exist – and we find it neither productive nor appropriate to discuss the lived reality of a part of our community.

People who can respect our values and house rules are always welcome at our events. We can also enter into discussions with people we disagree with, but it must be in a dedicated space, and it should not take the focus away from the work for LGBTI+ people in Denmark and globally world that we do on a daily basis. When the debate becomes reductionist, it takes focus away from real and urgent matters.

Photo Adrien Olichon / Unsplash

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