Copenhagen Pride gather all of Denmark in new digital parade

»The perhaps most iconic element of Copenhagen Pride is the parade. It’s a day we look forward to each year. We can’t be without it, and we won’t have to be this year,« says chairperson Lars Henriksen. »The parade will be in a new format, but with the same important demonstration for basic human rights regardless of sexuality and gender identity«.

The march, which is equal parts celebration and demonstration, have taken place every year since 1996. In 2019, 350.000 people were out in the streets of Copenhagen, making it the biggest human rights manifestation in Denmark.

»Although it is strange to be without the big, physical march, this year there’s going to be both a digital and physical manifestation, that everyne can be a part of«, says the chairperson, supplementet by Benjamin Hansen, project manager for the digital parade: »The digital parade will be broadcast online i partnership with TV2 Lorry and will consist of three main elements: Copenhagen Pride Parade Challenge, Parade greetings and ‘Stride With Pride’. We’ve thought out of the box and created a format that we’re beyond excited to try out«.

’Copenhagen Pride Parade Challenge’

This element takes inspiration from social media, where “The Brush Challenge” went viral during the corona crisis. ‘Copenhagen Pride Challange’ begins with a person showing their everyday look, and then placing their hand over the camera lens.When the person reveals themselves, it will be in their ‘pride look’.
»How to define your‘ pridelook ’is up to your own interpretation. Maybe you remain completely unchanged in attire, but show a sign with a cause or greeting. The parade is for everyone and you are free to give the message and the expression you feel safe and right in. You can do it alone or together as a group, we will edit all the contributions together, “says Benjamin Hansen.

Copenhagen Pride Parade Challenge will thus become a chain of people who bring political and humanitarian messages, which will serve as a visibility mark of Copenhagen Pride Parade 2020. #PrideParadeChallenge

If you live in Copenhagen, we have, in collaboration with Copenhagen 2021, arranged a picnic in Ørstedsparken on 8 August at 15.00 – 21.00. Here, you can get help to record your video. Copenhagen Pride encourages everyone to submit their contribution.

Parade greetings

Organizations and partners are given the opportunity to give greetings of pride to the community, but also political and humanitarian messages. Copenhagen Pride hopes for many contributions – in particular from LGBTQIA+ organizations. You can write to Benjamin Hansen at [email protected] if you want to contribute with a parade greeting.

Stride With Pride – throughout Denmark!

“Stride With Pride” is the opposite of “Walk of shame” and will be this year’s physical manifestation of pride demonstration in the city space. “We want the march element to be present in a responsible way, and make the pride movement visible all over the country – both figuratively, but also quite literally – we will, by walking routes that each form a letter, write P R I D E across the country,” says Benjamin Hansen.

Copenhagen Pride brings together the pride movement by collaborating with the prides who have unfortunately had to cancel this year: pride in Aalborg, Aarhus, Viborg, Ringkøbing-Skjern, Kolding and Fanø are taking part in the demonstration. In collaboration with local prides, routes are defined throughout the country as you go, in the form of one of the letters in P R I D E. These routes are walked in small groups, with different start times and in numbers according to the Health Authorities’ guidelines, and we get this way written P R I D E all over Denmark. It’s all recorded and broadcast as part of the digital parade.

Keep an eye on our Copenhagen Pride’s facebook page, where events are posted, with information from the various cities. #StrideWithPride #StrideWithPrideNationwide

The digital parade is tied together by studio hosts.

This year’s Digital Copenhagen Pride Parade will be broadcast at 18.30 on Saturday 22 August as a prelude to the big Pride Show 2020. The parade will contain strong and important messages, including through interviews with foreign activists and speeches by politicians, but also a solidary, nationwide inclusion of the community. The parade is tied together by two commentators who will humorously and critically comment on this year’s parade, live-on-tape, which will help to make the parade both entertaining and worth seeing. #Solidarity

For further information
Project manager Benjamin Hansen, 42414011, [email protected]
Chairperson Lars Henriksen [email protected]

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