
Winter Pride program launches

Copenhagen Pride today publishes the program for the eleventh edition of Winter Pride, taking place from Monday 17 to Sunday 23 February. More than 30 events – the majority of which are free – have been announced in the program today with highlights including: A screening of the multi-Oscar nominated film Emilia Pérez followed by

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We’re recruiting! Are you our new Super Volunteer?

While Pride Week in August and Winter Pride in February are well known, the work of organising these events goes on all year round. And after a successful AGM last week, we are launching a major recruitment campaign to attract people to volunteer roles all year round. Our year-round volunteers are the beating heart of

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Copenhagen Pride members back future strategy with renewed focus

The members of Copenhagen Pride overwhelmingly approved the board’s plans for an updated future direction and strategy at the annual general meeting held on Wednesday 13 November. Around 100 members gathered at LGBT+ Medborgerhuset to hear about the organisation’s work in 2024, including reflections from the board on the turbulent first half of the year

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Are you our new Communications Intern?

Copenhagen Pride organises events for the LGBTI+ community including Winter Pride in February, Pride week in August and other events throughout the year. We are the largest free Pride in Scandinavia and Denmark’s biggest LGBTI+ human rights event.  We have space in our Secretariat team for a Communications Intern to support our communications activities across

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Annual General Meeting 2024

The Annual General Meeting of Copenhagen Pride will take place at 19.00 on Wednesday 13 November at Medborgerhuset, LGBT+ Danmark, Vestergade 18E, 1456 København K. All members are invited to attend. Please note, on all documents below, text in English appears below the text in Danish. Agenda 2024/01 Proposed Amendments to the Articles of Association

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Copenhagen stood together #withPride

After a total of 134 events over eight days Copenhagen Pride 2024 has concluded with many tens of thousands of participants showing that they stand #withPride. Eight nights of entertainment on Rådhuspladsen included 50 artists and performers culminating in Drag Night on Friday and the closing concert with SABA, Kiki Club & Ida Corr, and

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Opening speech of chairperson Benjamin Hansen

Speech at Pride Square, Saturday 10 August 2024 Welcome to the opening of Copenhagen Pride 2024! A lot has been said about Copenhagen Pride over the past many months. About what to expect and whether there could even be a pride… So let me start by saying: Look around you… Once again, our many volunteers

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We will not be sabotaged

The smear campaign against Copenhagen Pride’s artists has gone too far and is damaging our community. Once again, a smear campaign is being waged against Copenhagen Pride and some of our artists. A campaign that involves public accusations of the artists as people who receive blood money. The accusations that Copenhagen Pride’s board prioritises money

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Full program announced for Copenhagen Pride 2024

Today, Copenhagen Pride announces the final programme with more than 100 free events and one of the most diverse programmes from 10-18 August 2024. The iconic Parade will take place on Saturday 17 August, and the programme includes everything from live music, a queer flea market and a photo exhibition to young queer talent and

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