Copenhagen’s Pride Art-Seed is sprouting

Photo: Carl-Johan Paulsens photo series Church at Night. Photographer: Anahit. Models: Guillaume Lamour & Matthieu La-Brossard. Design: Carl-Johan Paulsen

Last year, Pride Art planted a seed as Copenhagen Pride launched its first visual art exhibition. With over 4,000 visitors and the receival of the Danish Rainbow Awards art price, the project firmly rooted itself by “challenging an elitist art curation” with an exhibition that “reflected a broad range of the infinite facets the queer community possesses, where diversity is equality, and uniqueness is shared.” (Out & About, 2022).

During this year’s Pride Week, 12 visual artists participate in the group exhibition A Part of Us, taking place in a pitched tent at Nytorv. The exhibition explores the significance of belonging or being outside a community and proposes art as a space where we can come together across life experiences and identity. The intention of Pride Art is to create learning spaces where visual art, artists, and the audience can unite and engage in dialogue about identity, gender, and sexuality, bridging the gap between visual art and individuals, LGBTI+ people, and the heterosexual majority.

This year, Pride Art presents an art-focused event program with a thematic focus on LGBTI+ life experiences. Every day, except for Saturday, something will take place in the exhibition tent at 17:00. On the opening day, we invite the audience to celebrate art with us and join in the community. Throughout the exhibition period, there will be a series of performances and artist talks where you can experience some of the exhibiting artists live.

Participating artists: Mathias Bransholm, Lise Ulvedahl Carlsen, Carl-Johan Paulsen, Frida Retz, Ida Schmidt Petersen, Jørn Hulgaard Sørensen, Karim Boumjimar, Noah Holtegaard, Rikke Bogetoft, Daniel Haase, Nicolai Risbjerg & Julie Yoko Fischer.

Where: Nytorv, 1450 Copenhagen

When: Exhibition from 14-19 August, 12.00-20.00


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