Editorial: Welcome!

Dearest reader,

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to HeartCore – The Official Copenhagen Pride Magazine. This is our debut venture into print media, and what you see in front of you, be it in your hands or on your screen, is the first edition.

Thank you for picking it up, thereby joining us on this journey. It has been a long, demanding, and sometimes hectic process, but we are overjoyed at the chance to amplify and share LGBTI+ voices in media.

The magazine will be available in English in print and in Danish and English online. We made the choice to have the printed version in English only to reach as broad an audience as possible, while also wanting to limit the amount of pollution that inevitably rises from producing physical media, which would be much higher had we chosen to print versions in both languages.

This is also why we decided to reach out to KLS PurePrint to print the magazine, since their “Cradle-to-Cradle” certification, as one of only three companies in the world, makes them frontrunners when it comes to sustainability in print media.

The theme for this edition of HeartCore is SOLIDARITY. 2020 has proven to be a year full of challenges, both for our community and for the world at large. Extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures, and we want to what we can to foster a sense of solidarity, not just within the LGBTI+ community, but also towards other marginalized groups around the world, who are currently facing heartbreak and struggle.

As we look forward to our Copenhagen Pride Week 2020, we do so with the hope that we can include as much of the community as possible, not just in Copenhagen, but in the rest of the nation. We want to stoke the flame of solidarity by encouraging people to think beyond themselves, to consider other voices and lives realities. As an organization with a platform and a voice as strong as ours, it is our responsibility to use it to create space for those who feel like they are not heard. 

If we want to change the world, we must get better at understanding the broad, overarching, and diverse ‘US’. We are embarking on this adventure with the knowledge that we are currently not as representative an editorial staff as we would like to see in the long run – so, with this first edition, we encourage anyone in the community who feel like they have an idea or a concept they want to share to reach out. We want to listen, and we want HeartCore to be something that the entire Pride-community can feel ownership of.

We wish you a very happy read!

  • The board of Copenhagen Pride and the HeartCore editorial staff
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