Invisible (poem)

Af Tor Skovsgaard
Photo: Marco Bianchetti via Unsplash

You see me

Assume I’m like you

A mistake like so many others

Invisible to the eye

Invisible in your mind

A mistake beyond caring

You should

Never interrupt your enemy

It shows so clearly

But you will never see

How nothing connects us

The distance distorted

Perception so perfectly


I have never been like you

But this is never seen

Will always oppose your views

Never interrupt your enemy

Your hate is unjustified

Nothing was done

Will you not leave us alone

You filthy fucking bigot

Look at their otherness”

Just like me

Isn’t it strange”

How you think me bleak

Leave us alone

And rot away in your hate

Never interrupt your enemy

When he is making a mistake


About the poem

‘Invisible’ is part of a larger project from Tor Skovsgaard called ‘Narrative-killer’, which is about the experience of discovering your queerness as well as the continuing process of exploring it and how it interacts with the world.

Tor is a part of Asexual Association Denmark.

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