
Notice for extraordinary general assembly

The board of Copenhagen Pride hereby calls for an extraordinary general meeting on Tuesday 23 January at 19-21 at the association’s office at Farvergade 2. The agenda has one item: Approval of the accounts. The board motivates the invitation as follows: As mentioned at the annual general meeting on 30 November, the accounts at that

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Udbud af bogholderifunktionen i Copenhagen Pride

I forbindelse med udbud af bogholder- og regnskabsassistanceopgaven ønsker Copenhagen Pride at indhente tilbud på opgaven, nærmere defineret i det nedenstående. Opgaven overtages fra vores nuværende bogholder pr. 1. februar 2024 og løbende frem til 31. januar 2026 med mulighed for forlængelse og med normale opsigelsesvarsler fra begge parter. Copenhagen Pride er en mindre forening

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Wanted: Head of Pride Art

Copenhagen Pride is Denmark’s largest, most colourful and diverse human rights event and has been bringing the fight for equality and diversity to the streets of Frederiksberg and Copenhagen for more than 25 years. After two successful years with our art space, we are now looking for a Pride Art Area Manager to lead the

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Generalforsamling 2023: Endelig dagsorden

Copenhagen Pride afholder ordinær generalforsamling torsdag den 30. november kl. 17.00 på Farvergade 2 efter følgende endelige dagsorden:  Valg af dirigent Valg af referent Valg af stemmetællere Bestyrelsen beretning om foreningens virksomhed i det forgange år Det reviderede regnskab fremlægges Den organisatorisk tilsynsførendes beretning fremlægges til orientering Fremlæggelse af budget Indkomne forslag Bestyrelsens forslag til

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General Meeting 2023

Copenhagen Pride will hold its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 30 November at 17.00 at Farvergade 2 according to the following preliminary agenda: The finalised agenda, as well as the wording of proposals received, will be posted on the association’s website no later than 7 days before the general meeting: Proposals for the general

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Wanted: Head of Parade

As Head of Parade at Copenhagen Pride, you will be in charge of running Denmark’s largest and most colourful human rights manifestation, which for more than 25 years has brought the fight for equality and diversity to the streets of Frederiksberg and Copenhagen. Your tasks will include leading a volunteer parade team that will plan

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Wanted: Head of Stage, Sound, and Lighting

As Head of Stage, Sound and Lighting, your primary task is to plan and coordinate the collaboration with the external suppliers of stage, sound and lighting for Copenhagen Pride Week in August. You will work closely with the program responsibles and the production manager to map the needs and then manage the dialogue with the

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Wanted: Head of Culture

As Head of Culture at Copenhagen Pride, you will be responsible for Copenhagen Pride’s cultural collaborations and the culture group. Your tasks include facilitating cultural collaborations, planning cultural content, seeking out new collaborations, and leading a volunteer culture team, including defining volunteer roles and responsibilities. Collaborations could be the MIX LGBTQIA+ film festival, queer exhibitions

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Copenhagen bids for international Pride conference in 2024

A delegation from Copenhagen Pride will travel to Cardiff, Wales this week to present a bid to bring Europe’s international Pride conference to Denmark in 2024. The annual conference of the European Pride Organisers Association can see up to 200 delegates from more than 100 Pride organisations coming together for a weekend of networking, training, debates, and votes

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