Copenhagen Pride Youth Team

Photo: Cathrine La Cour The Copenhagen Pride Youth Team has gained a new member and is now taking the bull by the horns and setting ambitions high for the rest of 2022 and 2023! Alberte Schmidt (She/Them) and Lukas Clare (He/Them) are Youth Team managers at Copenhagen Pride and for the rest of 2022 and[…]

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QueerPlus is the theme for Winter Pride 2023!

Winter Pride is an event that encourages us to get close to one another and to listen and learn from each other’s experiences. With that in mind, we are now ready to present to theme for next year’s first Pride event: QueerPlus. QueerPlus is an exploration of overlapping identities and intersectionality. It is about recognizing[…]

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AGM 2022: Final agenda

Final agenda for the ordinary general meeting in Copenhagen Pride. The general meeting will be held in the association’s offices at Farvergade 2, st., on 7 November at 7 p.m. Election of moderator Election of reporter Election of vote counters The board’s report on the association’s activities in the past year The audited accounts are[…]

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Digital love

Gay Romance through the Eye of Technological Development   By Hendrik FischerPhoto: Alexander Flemming This article discusses the issues of addiction and if you struggle with such in any shape or form, please reach out to a mental health specialist. You can also contact visit for more information on sexual health and surrounding topics.[…]

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