AGM 2022: Final agenda

Final agenda for the ordinary general meeting in Copenhagen Pride. The general meeting will be held in the association’s offices at Farvergade 2, st., on 7 November at 7 p.m.

  1. Election of moderator
  2. Election of reporter
  3. Election of vote counters
  4. The board’s report on the association’s activities in the past year
  5. The audited accounts are presented
  6. The organizational supervisor’s report is presented
  7. Presentation of strategy
  8. Presentation of the budget
  9. Proposals received
    – Two proposals have been received: Proposal for amendments to the bylaws and proposal to amend §4.1.
  10. Determining the membership fee
  11. Election of organizational chairperson (elected for 2 years at a time). One candidacy has been submitted: Benjamin Hansen.
  12. Election of the board and board alternates (three board members must be elected).
    – Three candicacies have been submitted for the board: Lars Christian Østergreen. Caroline Thøgersen, Brian Allesøe, and one candidate as an alternate, Fombu Asaha.
  13. Selection of auditor, internal auditor and alternate auditor. Alternate auditor election is waived if a professional accountant is elected
  14. AOB
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