QueerPlus is the theme for Winter Pride 2023! 

Winter Pride is an event that encourages us to get close to one another and to listen and learn from each other’s experiences. With that in mind, we are now ready to present to theme for next year’s first Pride event: QueerPlus.  

QueerPlus is an exploration of overlapping identities and intersectionality. It is about recognizing the things that are unique to our experiences as LGBTI+ people asides from our sexual orientation and gender identity and to open up a conversation about how we all experience the world differently. Understanding our different perspectives is a vital part of understanding our community – and ultimately bring us closer together. This is vital at a time when so many want to create discord and division. 
QueerPlus takes intersectionality to a new level by highlighting and focusing on intersections that are not often included, such as mental health, socioeconomic status, or hidden disability. Challenging the norm, QueerPlus will sometimes allow us to consider these intersectionalities in a positive way. The theme allows us to include diverse voices and experiences in a broad cultural and human rights program as well as our official magazine HeartCore.  

We invite you to join us by considering ways in which the QueerPlus theme applies to you or to your community. As people, our lived experiences are shaped by a kaleidoscope of intersecting identities and we want to give our community the chance to recognize, celebrate, and understand those identities. We want to create not just a safe space but a brave space where people feel able and secure to talk about these experiences and intersecting identities. 

Through QueerPlus you might expect to hear experiences: 

  • Of people living with autism whose experience of Pride is very different from the mainstream 
  • From someone who has a facial disfigurement talking about the difficulties of dating apps 
  • Of exclusion from the mainstream from LGBTI+ people who’ve been socially isolated 

QueerPlus will also continue as a theme beyond Winter Pride. We will use it throughout future Copenhagen Pride events to remind ourselves and our community of the limitless intersectionalities and the need to recognise the needs that they bring with them. We want QueerPlus to be our manifesto for inclusion, at Winter Pride 2023 and for many Prides to come. 

Winter Pride 2023 takes place 20-25 February.

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